Food Porn alert…gratuitous sizzling steak

What does a guy do when he is home alone and has to eat from the freezer?

One makes do

Making's for a great dinner

Making’s for a great dinner

Cindy was out-of-town at a business meeting.   As I was a home alone, I decided to help clean out the freezer before I left for Italy and to use up some vegetables from the garden.  After a quick search I found a frozen, air-dried steak from Farnsburg Metzgerei and added some potatoes and vegetables from the garden.  To match the steak I needed a suitable wine.  Searching at the bottom of the pinot box I found something that was matched perfectly – old steak with an old Burgundy.   Add an action based, “guy movie” and it was a lovely evening.

Once everything is prep’d – the cooking begins…

A nice swirl around the glass whilst the dinner sizzles away…



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