Cooking Wild! Getting your antler’s tangled with deer in the kitchen.

For those hunters out there with too much elk or venison, here is a very good recipe for the winter. I made this with both wild and domesticated venison. The wild stag tastes better..

3. Dezember 2013

Il Cervo…Stag…Hirsch

In one pan, brown the meat in olive oil.

In the second pan, sauté carrots, celery and onion

Mix your spices including star anise, salt, pepper, cinnamon, clove etc. have some dark chocolate ready to add at the end to counter the natural “bitterness ” that is often found in wild deer.

Poach some apples or pears in red wine with a bit of star anise, honey and some rosemary.

Combine the vegetables with the meat in one pan. Add in half a bottle of red wine. In this case, teroldego from Trentino.

Cook everything down for 60 to 90 minutes. Serve the Hirsch with polenta or spätzle.

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  1. Pingback: Ted Du Puy

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